News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Market Insights
The White House is expected to unveil fresh measures to boost small companies’ access to capital this coming Tuesday, in spite of the backlash that previous measures have received from state regulators.
January 31, 2012
1 min read
American equity markets continue to suffer from a disconnect, with the perception of doom and gloom overpowering a reality that is much rosier. That means it's buying time
By Staff |January 31, 2012
3 min read
By now there’s little debate: the global economy is slowing. The deleveraging process has been slow, with business leading the way, followed by the consumer. That leaves only the government sector to clean up its balance sheet.
2 min read
The upward trend continued this past week thanks mostly to a U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) that put interest rate increases further off into the future.
By Gareth Watson |January 30, 2012
5 min read
Canadians are increasingly concerned about securing a reliable source of income for retirement, according to the results of the most recent Russell Financial Health Index (RFHI).
January 30, 2012
Equity returns during the last quarter of 2011 were reasonably strong and it seems the majority of advisors believe the good times will continue through the first quarter of 2012, according to the latest Advisor Sentiment Survey from Horizons ETFs.
RBC Global Asset Management Inc. announced today the launch of BlueBay Emerging Markets Corporate Bond Fund, RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Value Equity Fund and RBC U.S. Small-Cap Core Equity Fund for individual and institutional investors in Canada.
By Staff |January 30, 2012
Economic Indicators
The structural deleveraging process that began in 2008 is far from over, according to Dr. Gary Shilling. On a global basis, we might be halfway through.
By Vikram Barhat |January 27, 2012
4 min read
The average retail investor is notorious for trying to time the market—and for doing a remarkably poor job at it. Rather than wait for incontrovertible evidence of a bull market, your clients should probably be getting back into risk assets now.
By Staff |January 26, 2012
The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has rattled global markets and while there is no serious threat of contagion to Canada, the impact is certainly being felt here, says Jeremy Rudin, assistant deputy minister, financial sector policy branch, department of finance, Canada.
By Vikram Barhat |January 26, 2012
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