
Living Benefits 1

Somethin’ filled up my heart with nothin’, someone told me not to cry. But now that I’m older, my heart’s colder, and I can see that it’s a lie. Children wake up, hold your mistake up, before they turn the summer into dust. If the children don’t grow up, our bodies get bigger but our […]

By Ricardo Santos |July 21, 2008

1 min read

Premium Advice — Insurance and your summer home

Now that school’s out and summer is here, many of your clients are likely planning to spend time at the cottage. Most aren’t thinking about how to use insurance to protect their idyllic home away from home — and if they are, it’s usually related to protecting the asset in case of a casualty, fire […]

By Chris Paterson |July 4, 2008

4 min read

Premium Advice — Using insurance to ensure a happy second marriage

A lot of our clients are successful in business, but marriage is another story. Many first-time unions have ended in divorce because of an overworked husband or wife, but now that they have a solid career, it’s often time to find a special someone again. Life isn’t as simple for your client as it was […]

By Chris Paterson |June 3, 2008

4 min read

Training needed to increase CI sales

Less than a month after the release of presumably clearer, more concise critical illness definitions, the industry is providing feedback — and it’s not all positive. Since its launch about a decade ago, critical illness (CI) insurance promised Canadians a lump sum if they were stricken with a life-threatening medical problem, such as cancer or […]

By Romana King |May 21, 2008

4 min read