Industry News

Advisors cringe at the term

(February 27, 2004) The 2004 RRSP season is winding down, with the March 1 deadline for a 2003 contribution arriving on Monday. But should the term “RRSP season” really be in an advisor’s vocabulary? In researching our annual coverage of the “last-minute contribution season,” found hostility among some advisors toward the very use of […]

By Steven Lamb |February 27, 2004

3 min read

Advisors react to IPC takeover

(February 26, 2004) Yesterday’s announcement that Investors Group (IG) is acquiring IPC Financial Network brought mixed reaction from advisors. With IG’s deep pockets, some see it as a guarantee of IPC’s future success, but others worry that IPC is too small to maintain its identity, let alone its independent culture. “I don’t have a concern […]

By Steven Lamb |February 26, 2004

3 min read

Advisors urge caution as CMHC eases rules for home buyers

(February 26, 2004) A move by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to scrap minimum down payment requirements might appear to be an attractive option for prospective home buyers. But it’s probably not a wise move for most clients, advisors say. “This idea that people who have absolutely no savings discipline whatsoever can actually […]

By Doug Watt |February 26, 2004

3 min read

Investors Group acquires IPC

(February 25, 2004) Winnipeg-based mutual fund giant Investors Group (IG) is expanding its presence in the financial planning channel. Today it announced plans to acquire IPC Financial Network in a friendly takeover bid valued at close to $100 million. IG says it will purchase all IPC common shares at a price of $1.95. IPC shares […]

By Doug Watt |February 25, 2004

3 min read