Industry News


(March 12, 2004) Canadian consumers are were less optimistic in February, according to an Investors Group survey conducted by Decima Research. The Decima-Investors Group Index of Canadian Consumer Confidence dropped to 86.6, off 6.8 index points from November’s reading. “A number of smaller factors such as residual holiday bills, cold weather, higher heating bills and […]

By Staff |March 9, 2004

5 min read

Bad things do happen to good advisors, warns Advisor’s Edge

(March 9, 2004) So, you think the only advisors who get sued are the sharks, swindling little old ladies old of their retirement savings? Think again. “Yes, Virginia, you can get sued — it can happen to you,” says Deanne Gage, managing editor of Advisor’s Edge. “We thought it was very important to have a […]

By Steven Lamb |March 9, 2004

3 min read

RBC attacks consumer debt

(March 9, 2004) North American consumers are in far better financial shape than the recent spate of doom-and-gloom debt reports would have you believe, according to a report from RBC Economics. “The prevailing outlook on North American household finances underestimates employment, personal income and productivity growth,” said Derek Holt, assistant chief economist of RBC Economics. […]

By Steven Lamb |March 9, 2004

3 min read

Eliminate labour fund tax credit, says C.D. Howe

Raising capital: How labour fund tax credits work (March 9, 2004) Ottawa could save $100 million a year by scrapping the federal tax credit for labour-sponsored investment funds (LSIFs), says the C.D. Howe Institute. That’s one of several tax reforms suggested in C.D. Howe’s shadow budget, which was released today. Most labour funds qualify for […]

By Doug Watt |March 9, 2004

2 min read