Industry News

The $100,000 question: Advisor salaries hot topic in Talvest Town Hall

Year 1: $20,000-$25,000 Year 1: $20,000-$25,000 Year 2: $26,000-$32,000 Year 3: $32,000-$36,000 Year 4: $38,000-$44,000 Year 5: $46,000-$52,000 Year 6: $56,000-$60,000 Related News Story 2nd Annual Dollars & Sense Survey: Getting results “If you do very well, you could improve those numbers by 25% or more,” added Wayne, noting that he hit $100,000 in his […]

By Doug Watt |February 20, 2004

2 min read

Corporate boards still male dominated

(February 19, 2004) Women are making progress in Canada’s business world, but still only represent 11% of the country’s corporate directors, according to a survey conducted by research group Catalyst. While that is an improvement from 9.8% in 2001, it shows women remain under-represented in the boardroom. In fact, 51.4% of boards have no women […]

By Steven Lamb |February 19, 2004

1 min read

MFDA extends suspension of commission payment rule

(February 19, 2004) The payment of mutual fund commissions to personal corporations will be permitted until at least the end of 2006. Earlier this month, the MFDA’s board of directors agreed to further suspend a rule that would prohibit such a business arrangement. MFDA rule 2.4.1 requires that all commissions be paid by fund dealers […]

By Doug Watt |February 19, 2004

2 min read

Emerging markets will fuel commodity boom, says fund manager

(February 18, 2004) The development of full-scale market economies in China and India will create a commodity pricing boom the likes of which has never been seen before, predicts a senior BMO fund manager. Donald Coxe, the Chicago-based chair and chief strategist of Harris Investment Management — a U.S. subsidiary of BMO — says about […]

By Geoff Kirbyson |February 18, 2004

3 min read