Industry News

DC plan members need custom advice

(November 30, 2004) Making investment choices without qualified guidance can lead to mistakes, most financial advisors agree, but when these choices form the basis of a pension plan, the results can be disastrous. Yet many participants enrolled in defined contribution (DC) pension plans lack that important guidance. Some of them crave advice, while others may […]

By Steven Lamb |November 30, 2004

3 min read

Fee cuts help, but may be over-hyped

(November 30, 2004) Even after cutting management fees, many of the top funds offered by Fidelity Investments Canada will still not be the cheapest, according to Rudy Luukko, investment funds editor of Morningstar Canada. In Luukko’s Morningstar column today, he points out that on the basis of lowest MER alone, Fidelity tends to rank around […]

By Steven Lamb |November 30, 2004

2 min read

Omnibus ban seen having minimal impact on MFDA firms

(November 30, 2004) A decision by Ontario’s securities regulator to ban omnibus or joint service accounts will have little effect on most mutual fund dealer firms, the MFDA says. Citing investor protection concerns, the Ontario Securities Commission last week ordered MFDA firms to unwind certain business arrangements between MFDA and IDA firms by October 31, […]

By Doug Watt |November 30, 2004

3 min read

B.C. advisor sticks to fundamentals

(November 29, 2004) Bowen Island is a long way from Bay Street. And even though B.C. advisor Hans Merkelbach may be considered something of a rebel in the financial services industry, there’s no debating his success. Merkelbach, who is 71, actually retired eight years ago but returned to the advice business in 1999 at his […]

By Doug Watt |November 29, 2004

2 min read