Industry News

IDA firms recovering from weak summer months

(December 9, 2004) The Canadian securities industry struggled through the third quarter, marking the second consecutive three-month period of weakness, according to the IDA’s quarterly survey of its members. While revenues were off about 8% quarter-over-quarter, operating profits climbed 2% to $635 million, thanks in a large part to a 13% decrease in operating expenses. […]

By Steven Lamb |December 9, 2004

3 min read

Advisor Forum update: Veteran advisor shares little tips for big success

“Training up” support staff so they are, at a minimum, insurance- and securities-licensed (and therefore able to handle a larger range of client questions that would normally be forwarded to you); “Training up” support staff so they are, at a minimum, insurance- and securities-licensed (and therefore able to handle a larger range of client questions […]

By John Craig |December 9, 2004

3 min read

Pension fund managers falling short on proxy voting obligations

(December 8, 2004) A significant number of Canadian pension fund managers are ignoring the interests of plan members by failing to challenge management on controversial issues, a recently released survey suggests. The Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE) tallies the proxy voting records of Canadian money managers on key management and shareholder proposals every […]

By Doug Watt |December 8, 2004

2 min read

Advisor Forum update: Use language carefully in client communications

(December 8, 2004) While there is an enormous amount of investment information available to Canadians, many lack the financial literacy required to understand what they are being told, according to the Investor Education Fund. “A lot of the information — education and marketing — that’s out there is really focused on product and not the […]

By Steven Lamb |December 8, 2004

3 min read