Industry News

CRA offers advice on charity plans

(November 25, 2004) The Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CRA) has issued a warning to investors considering participation in certain charitable tax shelters, pointing out they could face possible audits, penalties and interest payments. The plans in question are often referred to as “buy low, donate high” schemes, in which tax-filers receive a tax credit […]

By Steven Lamb |November 25, 2004

3 min read

Fidelity to ease investor’s fees, advisor’s burden

(November 24, 2004) It may be hard to imagine an arrangement in which three parties benefit, but one of Canada’s biggest fund firms is betting that cutting MERs while increasing advisor payout will lead to better sales and retention. Fidelity Investments has announced a plan to lower its management fees and MERs on its entire […]

By Steven Lamb |November 24, 2004

3 min read

Advisor Forum preview: Investment strategies for 2005

(November 24, 2004) Inflation is coming back, and that means higher interest rates and a likely end to the recent cyclical bull run, says Gavin Graham of Guardian Group of Funds. Graham, who is presenting a session on global investment outlook at this year’s Advisor Forum conferences, says Canadian stocks have been performing relatively well […]

By Doug Watt |November 24, 2004

2 min read

Ontario seeks to extend investor rights, seniors’ tax credits

(November 23, 2004) The Ontario government has introduced legislation to allow secondary market investors to sue companies for disclosing false or misleading information. The bill would extend the same rights to such investors as those participating in an IPO. “Thanks to the Canada Pension Plan, RRSPs, other pension plans and personal investments, just about every […]

By Steven Lamb |November 23, 2004

2 min read