Industry News

Premiere edition of Advisor’s Edge Report hits the streets

(January 20, 2005) Not content to rest on our laurels, the Advisor Group asked its readers what they wanted and the response was overwhelming: More analysis, more insight, more practical knowledge. And now we’re delivering, with a new monthly newspaper which will land in subscribers’ mailboxes between issues of Advisor’s Edge magazine. The premiere edition […]

By Steven Lamb |January 20, 2005

2 min read

Canadian consumer debt levels

(January 20, 2005) The continuing low interest rate environment has sparked increased borrowing among Canadian consumers, who are now 7% more in debt than they were last year, according to a new report from CIBC World Markets. CIBC economist Benjamin Tal says that while apocalyptic scenarios about the possible collapse of the credit market may […]

By Doug Watt |January 20, 2005

2 min read

O’Shaughnessy sticks to the numbers

(January 20, 2005) With so many mutual funds built and sold on the premise that knowing how the underlying companies are run is key, it’s interesting to meet an investment manager who doesn’t interview company executives at all. If past performance is any indication, the computer-driven, numbers-only approach works. Jim O’Shaughnessy has been playing with […]

By Kate McCaffery |January 20, 2005

4 min read

Morningstar flags the best and worst of 2004

(January 19, 2005) Despite finishing at the bottom of the mutual fund sales chart in 2004 — with $2.3 billion in net redemptions — there was some good news for AGF last year. Its Managed Futures fund was the top performer in 2004, according to data compiled by Morningstar Canada. The fund, run by Zoran […]

By Doug Watt |January 19, 2005

1 min read