Industry News

M&A activity hot, but can Canada cash in?

(January 14, 2005) The past year proved to be a hot one for mergers and acquisitions in Canada, according to a report from the IDA. While the number of transactions edged higher by 6% in the first three quarters, the value of these deals jumped by 38%. There were 19 of these large transactions in […]

By Steven Lamb |January 14, 2005

2 min read

HUB finds the best and the rest in Canadian seg funds

(January 14, 2005) Some advisors are dropping their costly mutual fund licenses in favour of selling more complicated but less compliance crazy segregated funds. In doing that though, it helps to have good research to identify the best products available for different clients and what the different companies offer when it comes to things like […]

By Kate McCaffery |January 14, 2005

3 min read

Assante explains low-cost key approach to fee cuts

(January 14, 2005) Assante’s decision to use its advisor channel to communicate fee reductions to clients has puzzled some industry watchers, considering Fidelity made a public splash when it made a similar move. But officials at Assante say that’s what the firm’s advisors wanted. Last week, in a memo sent to advisors, Assante announced that […]

By Doug Watt |January 14, 2005

3 min read

IDA audit quietly released

(January 13, 2005) It took nearly five years, but the Ontario Securities Commission has finally given up the fight to keep a highly-critical 25-page audit of the IDA confidential. Investor advocates are welcoming the release, but are casting doubt on claims by the IDA that all the problems outlined in the report have been dealt […]

By Doug Watt |January 13, 2005

3 min read