Industry News

New Year starts solidly for fund sales

(February 2, 2005) January marked another strong month for the mutual fund industry, with net sales estimated at between $1.3 and $1.7 billion, according to IFIC. That’s not quite as high as January 2004, when net sales reached $1.8 billion, but tops last month’s figure of $1.2 billion. “With January seeing the fifth straight month […]

By Doug Watt |February 2, 2005

1 min read

Derek’s test

Testing Paragraph

By Staff |February 1, 2005

1 min read

Aging entrepreneurs need transition plan

(February 1, 2005) While most financial advisors are already aware of the impending intergenerational transfer of wealth in a general sense, a new study by CIBC finds a new wrinkle in this massive shift of economic power. Within the next five years, half a million small business owners will retire, resulting in the transfer of […]

By Steven Lamb |February 1, 2005

3 min read

Complaints against IDA decline in 2004 but penalties skyrocket

(February 1, 2005) The IDA received significantly fewer client complaints in 2004, but levied much higher penalties, mostly due to last December’s huge market-timing settlements, which involved three large bank brokerages. The IDA released its annual report on complaints, enforcement and prosecutions last week. The brokerage industry association received about 1,200 complaints in calendar 2004, […]

By Doug Watt |February 1, 2005

2 min read