Industry News

American author hot on commodities

(February 14, 2005) Commodity-rich Canada will produce profits for savvy investors in the years to come, says U.S. author and professor Jim Rogers, who was visiting Toronto last week. “Canada is one of the great natural-resource-based economies of the world,” he enthused at a presentation hosted by Tricycle Asset Management, noting that the current commodities […]

By Art Melo |February 14, 2005

3 min read


(February 18, 2005) The Ontario government has appointed a panel to work on and advance the design of a common securities regulator following a unanimous vote from an all-party legislative committee. Chair of the management board of cabinet, Gerry Phillips, says panel members will reflect a broad mix of perspectives to ensure they consider the […]

By Staff |February 14, 2005

11 min read

Portus hit with further regulatory restrictions

(February 11, 2005) The Ontario Securities Commission has imposed further restrictions against Portus, ordering the hedge fund manager to cease trading in securities and stop paying out assets from client accounts. The temporary order also extends to Portus owner Boaz Manor, who will not be allowed to execute trades in Portus’s BancNote Trusts or direct […]

By Doug Watt |February 11, 2005

3 min read

CPPIB announces third-quarter results

(February 11, 2005) In his first conference call as president of the CPP Investment Board (CPPIB), former Fidelity front man, David Denison, discussed the reserve fund’s third-quarter results, the board’s plans for the future and he also restated the CPP’s message of stability. After making benefit payments of $1.9 billion, in the third-quarter ending December […]

By Kate McCaffery |February 11, 2005

3 min read