Industry News

Membership holding steady, says IAFP

(June 8, 2005) The Institute of Advanced Financial Planners says its 2005 membership stands at 466, down 1% from last year. Of those, 442, or 95%, hold the Registered Financial Planner (R.F.P.) designation. “While a net decrease in members may not sound like good news, such a slight drop was welcomed as an encouraging sign […]

By Doug Watt |June 8, 2005

3 min read

IDA chair: SROs provide balance

(June 7, 2005) Despite criticism from distrustful investors and compliance-weary dealers, Canada’s self-regulating organizations (SROs) play a vital role in providing stability and balance in the Canadian financial services industry, according to IDA chair Brian Porter. “Regulation is becoming increasingly costly, and it needs to be increasingly efficient,” Porter said in a speech on Monday […]

By Steven Lamb |June 7, 2005

2 min read

Ontario to end mandatory retirement

(June 7, 2005) The Ontario government is introducing legislation that would end mandatory retirement, the province’s labour minister announced on Tuesday. “People are healthier and living longer so it is unfair to insist that they stop working simply because they turn 65,” said Chris Bentley. “Ending mandatory retirement would allow workers to retire based on […]

By Doug Watt |June 7, 2005

2 min read

Market regulator advocates temporary trade-through rule

(June 6, 2005) Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) are coming to Canada, and regulators are working to avoid the problems that have plagued the trading venues in the United States. ATS trading venues like Bloomberg Tradebook Canada and Liquidnet Canada have been operational for some time and the field is about to expand with the introduction […]

By Philip Porado |June 6, 2005

2 min read