Industry News

Salaries rising for investment professionals, survey says

(June 2, 2005) Senior executives in the Canadian investment industry are expected to earn median compensation of $125,000 this year, up 9% from two years ago, according to a survey released today by the CFA Institute and Russell Reynolds Associates. The survey examines the compensation of portfolio managers, securities analysts, pension officers and other senior-level […]

By Doug Watt |June 2, 2005

2 min read

May stronger month for fund sales

(June 2, 2005) The mutual fund industry is anticipating higher sales in May, compared to the previous month. IFIC estimates that net sales for the month will be between $700 million and $1.1 billion. April’s net sales were $567 million. “We are pleased that the industry has posted its seventh straight month of positive net […]

By Staff |June 2, 2005

1 min read

Restitution available to abused investors, town hall told

(June 1, 2005) Canada does have an effective restitution process for investors who have been harmed by brokers or financial firms, regulators say. The Ontario Securities Commission held an investor town hall in Toronto on Tuesday night, which attracted more than 400 people. It may be little-known to most retail investors, but the Ombudsman for […]

By Doug Watt |June 1, 2005

2 min read

Advisors asked to participate in privacy law review

(June 1, 2005) Most advisors now are aware, at least, that privacy and the way they collect and protect personal client information is covered by legislation like the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Those who understand the rules however say there are still quite a few inconsistencies and “holes you could drive […]

By Kate McCaffery |June 1, 2005

2 min read