Industry News

AIM Trimark tops list of service providers

(July 19, 2005) AIM Trimark Investments received top marks in a recent survey of technology and internet services provided by Canadian and U.S. financial services companies. Leading a group of 20 U.S. firms and four Canadian firms, the company ranked number one overall in the Benchmarking Internet Servicing of Advisors report, created by Forest Hills, […]

By Kate McCaffery |July 19, 2005

3 min read

Feds draft new offshore trust rules

(July 19, 2005) The Federal Department of Finance has released its latest draught of rules aimed at restricting the use of offshore trusts to shelter assets. The proposed changes to the Income Tax Act are the latest move in a series of measures to address the long-standing issue. “This has been going on now for […]

By Steven Lamb |July 19, 2005

2 min read

Should investors lockout industrial stocks?

Stubbornly persistent poor returns since the beginning of the year have unfortunately made the industrial sector an underperformer. As a result, who can really blame investors for asking themselves the big question: is it time to quit industrials? At the same time, who can fault them for quickly selling off stocks in this group that […]

By Staff |July 18, 2005

2 min read


(July 22, 2005) The Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA) has banned John William Stewart of Edmonton for failing cooperate with an Association investigation. The hearing panel also fined Stewart $50,000 and ordered him to pay $11,165 in Association costs. Following a disciplinary hearing in March, the panel found the Union Securities broker violated IDA […]

By Staff |July 18, 2005

13 min read