Industry News

GDP growth to trigger fall rate hikes

(July 29, 2005) The Canadian economy continues to growth at a healthy pace, but leading economists say concerns over capacity utilization are expected to lead to interest rate hikes in the fall. The Canadian economy grew by 0.3% in May while April’s growth was revised downward to match, cutting annualized growth to 2.0%. May’s growth […]

By Steven Lamb |July 29, 2005

2 min read

The week in review

(July 29, 2005) Due to technical difficulties with the Bulletins this week, you may have missed some of the news that affects you and your practice. Here is a quick summary of stories we’re running this week. Key to trusts: Be selective: The income trust market has produced some of the hottest financial products […]

By Staff |July 29, 2005

2 min read

Clients defrauded in LIRA schemes

(July 29, 2005) Many clients have locked-in retirement accounts (LIRA) as a result of changing careers several times during their lives. These assets are generally inaccessible to clients until they reach retirement, but unscrupulous advisors, several of whom are the targets of ongoing regulator investigations, are advertising to the contrary and preying on needy clients. […]

By Kate McCaffery |July 29, 2005

3 min read

Panel calls for state-run LTC insurance

(July 28, 2005) In what could be seen as a threat to the long-term care insurance industry, a Quebec task force on health care is calling for implementation of a state-run “loss-of-independence insurance plan” to bridge the gap between current healthcare insurance and the costs incurred by the elderly in a nursing care setting. “The […]

By Steven Lamb |July 28, 2005

2 min read