Industry News

Ontario regulator cuts surplus to $4 million

(July 7, 2005) The Ontario Securities Commission is reporting a $4.1 million surplus for fiscal 2005, down from $21.6 million the previous year. The surplus issue has been a focal point for critics in the past, who argue that a government agency should not be generating profits. Still, the commission has been reducing fees in […]

By Staff |July 7, 2005

2 min read

CompCorp increases coverage limits

(July 7, 2005) Following the lead of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, CompCorp, which protects policyholders in the event of an insurance firm bankruptcy, has increased its coverage limits. Accumulated values are now fully protected up to $100,000, CompCorp announced today, and for cash values, policyholders will receive at least 85% of their promised benefits. […]

By Doug Watt |July 7, 2005

2 min read

Derek’s Test

Derek Test Article

By Staff |July 7, 2005

1 min read

Canadian fund market slowly diversifying

(July 6, 2005) Canada’s investment fund market is still largely concentrated in Ontario, but other regions, most notably Quebec and Western Canada, are gaining ground, according to Investor Economics. The research firm gathered data on the country’s investment fund assets as of March 2005. Ontario has 48% of the market, a 2.5 percentage point drop […]

By Doug Watt |July 6, 2005

2 min read