Industry News

CPP urged to dump tobacco stocks

(August 5, 2005) The Canadian Medical Association is taking a different approach in its latest attempt to convince the CPP to divest its tobacco stocks, putting aside the usual health and social arguments and focusing on pure economics. “Expert evidence suggests that investments in tobacco are not a wise endeavour,” the CMA says in a […]

By Doug Watt |August 5, 2005

2 min read

Jovian’s aggressive expansion strategy

(August 5, 2005) Jovian Capital has its sights set on the lucrative Ontario and British Columbia markets as it continues towards its goal of becoming a true national player. Philip Armstrong, CEO of the two-year-old holding company, which maintains head offices in both Winnipeg and Toronto, says considering the size of the markets, an expanded […]

By Geoff Kirbyson |August 5, 2005

3 min read

Return of the

(August 4, 2005) The U.S. Treasury Department has opted to re-introduce the 30-year bond, starting in 2006. The last 30-year U.S. bond was launched in 2001, the same year the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Those balanced budgets are long gone though, as the U.S. funds military operation in both Iraq and Afghanistan, while cutting […]

By Steven Lamb |August 4, 2005

2 min read

Ontario introduces long-awaited investor protection measures

(August 4, 2005) Investors burned by misleading public company statements could have a friend in the Ontario government. New legislation proclaimed this week will give stock market or secondary market investors the right to sue public companies that issue misleading financial reports, press releases and other disclosure documentation. The government released a statement on Wednesday […]

By Kate McCaffery |August 4, 2005

3 min read