Industry News

CEO compensation starting to match performance: study

Investors are never happy when a company they are invested in underperforms; but they are down right livid when they see the CEO of that same company rewarded with a hefty bonus and stock options. Based on the latest Watson Wyatt Worldwide S&P/TSX CEO Pay Study it seems corporations are finally getting the message. According […]

By Mark Brown |November 30, 2005

2 min read

Trust rally could still have legs

The past few years have seen an extraordinary explosion among income trusts, as valuations have surged and new issues have come to market either through an initial public offering or through the conversion of existing corporate structures. With market-leading returns, some question whether the rally can be sustained. GGOF’s John Priestman, lead manager of the […]

By Steven Lamb |November 30, 2005

4 min read

Some Portus investors saved at the last minute

A few investors — unwillingly but luckily — managed to escape Portus Group’s stratagems, according to the most recent report filed by receiver KPMG. Investors, with 30,000 accounts put $738 million CAN and $50 million US into Portus’s purchase of guaranteed notes, of which only $529 million CAN was invested, $133 million CAN and $36 […]

By Scot Blythe |November 29, 2005

2 min read

Less than 20% of IDA fines paid

In the second last week of November the IDA announced more than $400,000 in fines representing roughly 10% of the monetary penalties it has handed out so far this year. But by the brokerage industry association’s own admission, they will be lucky if they see a fifth of that money. According to the associations’ own […]

By Mark Brown |November 29, 2005

6 min read