Industry News

CARP denies trust leak rumour

The focus on income trusts has gone from tax leakage to policy leakage, ever since the Finance Department proposed deterring conversions by cutting dividend taxes. Suspicions about an insider information leak have been running rampant since dividend paying company shares enjoyed an otherwise impromptu rally, just hours before the November 23 proposal was released. The […]

By Steven Lamb |December 9, 2005

2 min read

Analyst explains fund manager choice

Those with one eye trained on short term performance numbers might wonder about the rhyme and reason of the selection process behind the Morningstar Fund Manager of the Year awards, but those savvy enough to recognize quality applaud the analyst’s decisions. The task of selecting one person to become Fund Manager of the Year from […]

By Kate McCaffery |December 9, 2005

3 min read

CNQ secures financing to develop TSX alternative

Plans for an alternative to the TSX for trading Canadian securities moved one step closer to reality today after the Canadian Trading and Quotation System (CNQ) announced it closed an equity financing deal worth more than $10 million. The financing will be used to complete the development of CNQ’s plans to launch an alternative market […]

By Kate McCaffery |December 8, 2005

2 min read

Reaction cautious towards Crawford report

(December 8, 2005) Reaction to the Crawford Panel’s report on adopting a single securities regulator has been tepid, with industry participants taking a wait-and-see approach, rather than endorsing or dismissing it. “I support Minister Gerry Phillips’ initiative in moving the dialogue forward on this very important subject,” OSC chair David Wilson said late yesterday. “It […]

By Steven Lamb |December 8, 2005

2 min read