Industry News

CRA shouldn’t trust trust tax returns: Auditor General

Auditor General Sheila Fraser’s quarterly report, released this week, had two items of concern to advisors: whether trusts — not income trusts, but inter vivos and testamentary trusts — are properly reporting their income, and whether the CRA has kept track of RSP overcontributions. While Canada’s tax system is based on self-assessment — individuals report […]

By Scot Blythe |November 24, 2005

4 min read

Industry largely pleased with trust outcome

Finance Minister Ralph Goodale’s surprise announcement Wednesday night on the tax treatment of income trusts is being cheered by institutional investors and issuers alike. Income trusts have been in a funk since late September, when Goodale announced the federal government would review the tax efficiencies built into the structures and CRA would no longer issue […]

By Steven Lamb |November 24, 2005

3 min read

Credit for cooperation still under the radar

Yes, regulators really do give credit to firms that cooperate with compliance inquiries and then make bona fide efforts to clean up operations. But you won’t read about it in the papers because those cooperation agreements generally preclude the regulator from providing details about what took place. On the flipside, Jeffrey Kehoe, director of enforcement […]

By Philip Porado |November 23, 2005

2 min read

Clarington seeks binding offer from CI

The board of Clarington has responded to criticism from CI Financial, saying that if CI wants its takeover bid to be considered, it should submit a binding offer. “CI has reiterated that any offer would be made by way of a take-over bid circular,” the Clarington board said in a statement issued this morning. So […]

By Steven Lamb |November 23, 2005

3 min read