Industry News

Strong markets boost IDA firms’ earnings

The third quarter of 2005 was particularly kind to the securities industry, with profits surging across most lines of business, according to the IDA’s quarterly Securities Industry Performance report. Operating profits hit $1.1 billion for the industry as a whole, up 26% from the second quarter and a massive 74% increase from Q3 a year […]

By Steven Lamb |December 15, 2005

3 min read

Hockin calls for end to GST on fund fees

IFIC president Tom Hockin has issued a letter to his colleagues in the mutual fund industry asking for help in the campaign to scrap the GST on fund management fees. Hockin, who is retiring from IFIC next month, says the issue affects the interests of all Canadians who invest in mutual funds, and should be […]

By Doug Watt |December 15, 2005

2 min read

November fund sales top $2 billion

Mutual fund sales jumped nine-fold in November compared to last year, to $2.3 billion. It’s the best sales total for the industry since March and the strongest November since 2001. “It was generally a hearty month for the industry in terms of aggregates sales numbers,” says Rudy Luukko, investment funds editor at Morningstar Canada. “The […]

By Kate McCaffery |December 15, 2005

2 min read

Resources remain a good bet against inflation

The strong Canadian dollar has largely shielded investors from inflation, but the long term trend on prices is pointing higher, according to strategists at Guardian Group of Funds. “We believe this move to higher prices is a long term phenomenon, not merely a statistical spike, and investors need to position their portfolio to preserve their […]

By Steven Lamb |December 14, 2005

4 min read