Industry News

Financial firms unprepared for boomers’ retirement

Despite the impending retirement of the baby boom generation, most financial services firms have no specific marketing plan in place to address this massively wealthy group, according to a new study by an international management consulting firm. “Our research indicates that nearly two out of three firms have not yet developed a comprehensive marketing and […]

By Steven Lamb |January 13, 2006

2 min read

Dealers to reimburse Portus referral fees

Clients who invested in Portus Alternative Asset Management are going to be reimbursed about $12 million in referral fees by mutual fund and investment dealers who participated in the offering, excluding fees that have already been recovered. The agreement was announced on Friday by the Ontario Securities Commission, with the cooperation of the IDA and […]

By Mark Brown |January 13, 2006

4 min read

TD bets on large caps in 2006

Large cap companies are expected to squeeze out small caps in 2006, but look for a mid-cycle correction, says TD Bank in its annual investment outlook. According to the bank, corporate earnings and equity returns are both expected to be in the mid-single digits in North America in 2006. Under these conditions, the bank foresees […]

By Mark Brown |January 12, 2006

2 min read

Federal income trust

The federal government’s decision to increase dividend tax credits to level the playing field with income trusts has done very little toward attaining that goal, according to one of Canada’s leading taxation experts. While the changes may have brought taxation neutrality between trust distributions and corporate dividends for taxable accounts, such investors make up the […]

By Steven Lamb |January 12, 2006

4 min read