Industry News

FPSC marks 10 years, honours retiring leader

The Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC) celebrated its tenth anniversary on Thursday night at the University Club in Toronto, taking the opportunity to honour its out-going president. Receiving the surprise award was retiring FPSC founding member and president, Donald J. Johnston. Johnston was presented with a trophy and his name will be the first to […]

By Heidi Staseson |January 27, 2006

5 min read

SROs seek enforcement power

Lowering fees, reducing size and becoming more relevant and responsive to consumers were the main themes of the Current Issues in SRO Compliance conference in Toronto on Thursday, but it was a harsh rebuke by a large lobby and consumer advocacy group that left delegates fidgeting in their seats. The meeting was meant to be […]

By Mark Brown |January 27, 2006

4 min read

Portus refund may need more time

The court appointed receiver for Portus Alternative Asset Management has released its eighteenth report — yes, there have been that many — and most need a program to identify all the players and to navigate the web of court cases they’re involved in. But underneath it all, observers want to know one thing: who was […]

By Mark Brown |January 26, 2006

4 min read

Economic cycle close to

You have to admit, the past three years have provided a pretty good ride for Canadian investors. While energy, materials and financial stocks have rewarded Canadians for “staying home,” your clients probably shouldn’t become too complacent. Now could be the time to recall the old “buy low, sell high” maxim. “Canada is a cyclically oriented […]

By Steven Lamb |January 25, 2006

3 min read