Industry News

AIC wins top honours in client service

For the third year in a row, AIC Group of Funds has been recognized as providing the best customer service for English-speaking clients, earning the Dalbar Mutual Fund Service Award. “Our congratulations go out to those at AIC responsible for ensuring that their clients are being well-served,” said Mark McDonald, manager of client relations at […]

By Steven Lamb |January 9, 2006

2 min read

Analyst sees continued strength in gold

U.S. investment strategist Byron Wien says falling gold prices will be one of the big surprises of 2006. Not according to RBC Capital Markets chair Anthony Fell, who delivered an upbeat forecast for bullion at the Empire Club in Toronto on Thursday. Gold prices, currently fluctuating around $520 US, are set to go much higher, […]

By Mark Brown |January 6, 2006

3 min read

If you could own only one fund…

Figuring out what your fellow advisors are selling to their clients is a fun exercise, but getting the rare opportunity to eavesdrop while they delve into more hypothetical scenarios is even more enjoyable. The idea was hatched in’s Town Hall, when an advisor named Henk asked the question: “If you could own only one […]

By Kate McCaffery |January 6, 2006

3 min read

Analyst bullish on oil, but urges vigilance

Despite popular opinion that the oil sector has peaked, RBC Capital Markets analyst Kurt Hallead says the current energy cycle is running broader, deeper and longer than any other in recent memory. What’s more, valuations in the sector are flashing “buy” signals and oil service companies will lead the way in the coming year, he […]

By Kate McCaffery |January 5, 2006

3 min read