
Conference organizers offer reassurances as SARS fears fade

(May 1, 2003) As Toronto moves toward containment of the SARS outbreak, financial conference organizers are taking steps to remind attendees that the majority of events are going ahead as scheduled. Yesterday, the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute (CPBI) issued a public response to inquiries about its national conference, set for June 4-6 at the […]

By Doug Watt |May 1, 2003

2 min read

Analyst questions Mackenzie’s fund manager moves

(April 30, 2003) Mackenzie Financial’s recent move to sever ties with Janus Capital is being welcomed by fund industry analysts. But not everyone is sold on the managerial changes Mackenzie plans for the Janus funds. Last week, Mackenzie announced the termination of Janus as lead manager of the Janus American and Janus Global Equity funds. […]

By Doug Watt |April 30, 2003

3 min read

OSC reprimands and fines Costello, leaves door open for further sanctions

(April 30, 2003) The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has ordered a review of Brian Costello’s recent activities to determine if he is still in the financial advice business. The financial commentator has been reprimanded and ordered to pay $300,000 in investigative costs. In February, an OSC panel ruled that Costello had violated provincial securities law […]

By Doug Watt |April 30, 2003

3 min read

Money laundering laws create new KYC obligations for advisors

(April 29, 2003) The recent enactment of new anti-money laundering regulations means financial advisors must step up their “know your client” (KYC) efforts, according to legal experts attending a recent conference in Toronto. As of March 31, 2003, financial institutions and intermediaries are required to report certain types of international electronic fund transfers of more […]

By Art Melo |April 29, 2003

2 min read