
Wise persons’ committee seeks public input

(May 9, 2003) To attempt to broaden debate, a federal committee reviewing the current system of securities regulation in Canada is asking for public opinion on the subject. The “wise persons’ committee,” appointed by federal Finance Minister John Manley in March, released a consultation paper yesterday. “Our committee’s objective is to have active involvement of […]

By Doug Watt |May 9, 2003

2 min read

IDA beefs up proposed disclosure requirements for research analysts

(May 9, 2003) The IDA has revised its proposed policy on research analyst standards, increasing the levels of disclosure required. The changes reflect comments received from securities regulators across the country and amendments to similar rules in the U.S. Policy 11, which the IDA has been working on since 2001, deals with conflicts of interest […]

By Doug Watt |May 9, 2003

2 min read

Advocis teams up with Environics on advisor survey project

(May 8, 2003) Canada’s largest professional association for financial advisors is joining forces with polling firm Environics on a market research project, aimed at collecting advisor opinions on a variety of topics. The first study will measure advisor perception of mutual fund and life insurance companies, Advocis said in a release issued today. Environics already […]

By Doug Watt |May 8, 2003

2 min read

CIFPs strikes E&O insurance deal for members

(May 7, 2003) The Canadian Institute of Financial Planners has negotiated a deal with ACE Canada to provide errors and omissions (E&O) insurance for its members. Participants must hold the CFP designation and take an E&O training course to qualify for the plan. Annual premiums are priced at $800, plus taxes, for coverage of up […]

By Doug Watt |May 7, 2003

2 min read