
CIFPs vows to protect planners’ interests

(June 16, 2004) Financial planners worried about the revolution in financial services can rest assured their interests will be safeguarded by the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners (CIFPs), according to managing director Keith Costello. Speaking to the CIFPs annual general meeting in Ottawa on Tuesday, Costello said the CIFPs’ goal remains to become the primary […]

By Steven Lamb |June 16, 2004

2 min read

Future belongs to risk managers and those who understand seniors’ needs

(June 15, 2004) Advice and managed money are on the ascendancy in the financial services industry and, according to research guru Earl Bederman, this trend isn’t likely to change soon. Bederman is president of Investor Economics, a Toronto-based firm that gathers market intelligence in the financial services industry. He presented an overview of the wealth […]

By Donna Green |June 15, 2004

3 min read

Board independence affects stocks less than shareholder rights do

(June 15, 2004) Corporate governance does have some impact on company’s performance in Canada, says a study by three Simon Fraser University researchers. Their study is the winner of the fourth annual Barclay’s Global Investors research award, announced today. “Corporate Governance, Family Ownership and Firm Value: Canadian Evidence,” written by Peter Klein, Daniel Shapiro and […]

By Scot Blythe |June 15, 2004

3 min read

IDA conference update: Momentum slowing for national regulator

(June 15, 2004) Despite strong support from the financial services industry, the push for a single national securities regulator appears to be losing steam. Three of the country’s top regulators gathered yesterday at the annual IDA conference in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, for a discussion on regulatory priorities. Tellingly, the issue of a national regulator was […]

By Doug Watt |June 15, 2004

2 min read