
Regulators introduce tougher proxy voting rules

(June 7, 2004) Canadian fund companies will be required to fully disclose their proxy voting records under the terms of proposed new regulations unveiled recently by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA). Proxy voting has been a sore spot for many investor advocates, who have been pushing for increased disclosure and transparency from the mutual fund […]

By Doug Watt |June 7, 2004

2 min read

India poised to take advantage as China applies brakes

(June 7, 2004) Investors seeking a high growth component for their portfolio face a wealth of choices, ranging from individual equities and small cap funds to sector specific investments and emerging markets. When setting their sights overseas, the recent trend has been to invest in China, as the massive market lurches toward prosperity. While there […]

By Steven Lamb |June 7, 2004

4 min read

Staking out the middle market

(June 4, 2004) These days it seems the entire world thinks bigger is better, as giant companies are bought by enormous companies to become colossal companies. Market consolidation has swept through the financial services industry with a vigour rarely seen, but Philip Armstrong, president and CEO of Jovian Capital, has a different approach. The latest […]

By Steven Lamb |June 4, 2004

2 min read

More calls for tighter corporate governance

Compensation committees should disclose their charter and the process used to determine executive compensation. Executive compensation should be tied to objective parameters of financial, environmental and social performance. Codes of conduct and ethics should include specific reference to corporate social responsibility policies. Such policies allow companies to be alert to and manage risks associated with […]

By Steven Lamb |June 4, 2004

3 min read