
Fair dealing model to be simplified, says OSC chair

(June 22, 2004) The Ontario Securities Commission’s (OSC) controversial fair dealing model will be simplified and refocused, says commission chair David Brown, following input from working groups and some negative industry reaction. Six working groups, including 160 volunteers, have been studying the fair dealing concept — a fundamental shift from product-based to relationship-based regulation — […]

By Doug Watt |June 22, 2004

2 min read


(June 25, 2004) The Ontario government has tabled long-awaited legislation that would limit liability for income trust investors. The Trust Beneficiaries’ Liability Act was reintroduced in Ontario’s spring budget after the previous government failed to pass the legislation. Under the terms of the act, the beneficiaries of a trust would not be liable in the […]

By Staff |June 21, 2004

6 min read

Industry reacts to mutual fund allegations

(June 21, 2004) Investor confidence may be set to take another hit, as one of Canada’s largest newspapers launches a week-long series probing the mutual fund industry. A report in today’s Globe and Mail estimates that a “select few” institutional investors have reaped profits of between $550 million and $650 million through market timing, leaving […]

By Staff |June 21, 2004

4 min read

Investor issues absent from election campaign

(June 21, 2004) Amid all the federal election campaign hype, there’s been nary a whisper on issues related to the financial services industry, such as investor protection and regulatory reform. That’s an oversight Toronto advisor and author John DeGoey would like to see addressed. “We have a situation where the two major parties have both […]

By Doug Watt |June 21, 2004

4 min read