
Pension crisis overblown, survey suggests

(July 7, 2004) North America’s defined benefit pension (DB) plans are improving their financial positions, according to a new survey, and they should fare even better as interest rates rise. Toronto-based Dominion Bond Rating Service studied the DB plans of 296 North American companies in 16 industries. It found that although certain companies do have […]

By Doug Watt |July 7, 2004

2 min read

Study confirms oil’s impact on equities

(July 7, 2004) Canadians are all too aware of the effect oil prices have on everyday life. Life in a cold climate, an American style love-affair with cars and a massive resource sector can make the price of petroleum a hot topic. It might come as no surprise then, when academics find a correlation between […]

By Steven Lamb |July 7, 2004

3 min read

Funds see higher returns, sales in June

(July 6, 2004) Mutual fund performance improved in June, with 21 of 32 Morningstar Canada fund indices advancing, up from 18 in May, according to the investment funds analyst firm. Japanese equity funds were the top performers, with that index rising 3.6% in June. Japanese equity funds have also posted the best year-to-date performance, gaining […]

By Steven Lamb |July 6, 2004

2 min read

Canada poised to benefit from global upswing

(July 6, 2004) With a global economic upswing in progress, Canada is poised to take benefit from its internal, consumer strength, as well as through trade with the U.S. and China, according to a report out this morning from RBC Economics. “Canadian growth is on the upswing, domestic and external demand are healthy and the […]

By Steven Lamb |July 6, 2004

2 min read