
Franklin Templeton to pay out $49 million

(March 3, 2005) Franklin Templeton Investments, the fifth Canadian mutual fund company to settle with the Ontario Securities Commission over market timing allegations, has agreed to the third highest settlement since the regulator began its year-long probe of mutual fund trading practices. The agreement, approved on Thursday at an OSC hearing, will result in Templeton […]

By Kate McCaffery |March 3, 2005

3 min read

Portus fallout part 2: The irate investor

(March 3, 2005) What happens when an advisor recommends Portus to a client and then stops all communication when the firm’s assets are frozen? It’s not a pretty story, but you can probably guess the outcome. The advisor loses the client, who is left frustrated and upset. Debbie*, a single parent and business owner from […]

By Doug Watt |March 3, 2005

3 min read

Lobbyist seeks higher CompCorp coverage

(March 2, 2005) In the federal budget tabled February 23, the government increased Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) coverage to $100,000 per depositor at member institutions, up from $60,000. This revision is great news for anyone with $100,000 sitting in their bank account or in GICs, but the budget did not increase protection to insurance […]

By Steven Lamb |March 2, 2005

2 min read

Funds post strong gains in February

(March 2, 2005) Canadian mutual fund investors enjoyed a “formidable February” as the majority of investment fund categories turned in positive results, according to preliminary data from Morningstar Canada. Higher energy prices were again a major contributing factor to rising fund values, as natural resources topped Morningstar’s list of 32 fund indices, posting a single-month […]

By Steven Lamb |March 2, 2005

2 min read