
Five key retirement risks

According to Peter Drake, the vice-president of retirement and economic research at Fidelity Investments, there are five key risks to retirement income: longevity, asset allocation, inflation, excess withdrawal and health-care spending. It’s up to advisors to help their clients cope with these challenges to ensure they have income to last them through their retirement. If […]

By Mark Brown |November 21, 2006

3 min read


(November 20, 2006) Loring Ward International has announced it is selling its remaining business management practices and will focus on asset management and advisor services. The two business management practices are being sold to companies organized by the businesses’ senior managers and former owners prior to their acquisition by Loring Ward. The company expects to […]

By Staff |November 20, 2006

3 min read

CI unveils post-Sionna lineup

CI Investments has announced a series of portfolio management changes aimed at permanently filling the gaps left by the abrupt departure of Kim Shannon’s Sionna Investment Managers Inc. in early October. The affected funds include CI Canadian Small/Mid Cap Fund, CI Canadian Asset Allocation Fund, Synergy Canadian Style Management Corporate Class, Synergy Tactical Asset Allocation […]

By Steven Lamb |November 20, 2006

2 min read

Affluent tastes

Affluent clients with less than $2.5 million US in assets are more likely to shop around for investment firms and financial advisors than richer clients are, a new Forrester Research study has found. The frugality of consumers diminishes with wealth — up to a point. The more money consumers amass, the more likely they are […]

By Mark Brown |November 20, 2006

2 min read