

(November 8, 2006) The British Columbia Securities Commission has banned two men from Kamloops after they admitted to illegally distributing securities. Mervin George Fiessel and Robert Michael Doherty are permanently banned from trading securities except in limited circumstances. Fiessel cannot ever be a director or officer of any issuer or engage in any investor relations […]

By Staff |November 8, 2006

4 min read

Drop insurance restrictions for banks: report

There’s a new voice joining the simmering debate over whether banks should be permitted greater latitude in selling insurance. The C.D. Howe Institute has released a paper on the topic, calling for the federal government to drop the current restrictions when the Bank Act comes up for review in the spring. “It is time to […]

By Steven Lamb |November 8, 2006

6 min read


(November 7, 2006) GMP Capital Trust is expanding into Europe, with the creation of GMP Securities Europe LLP. The firm will serve mid-market firms on London’s Alternative Investment Market and the Official List. At the same time, GMP has partnered with London brokerage Panmure Gordon & Co. The relationship will provide easier access to the […]

By Staff |November 7, 2006

3 min read

Top brokers increasing revenues, assets, study says

A Toronto-based software provider has crunched data from more than 5,000 brokers across North America who use their products, finding investment advisors on their platform are ramping up both their revenue and asset growth. In a recent study, PriceMetrix identified the qualities that distinguish top producers from average advisors. PriceMetrix concentrated on two groups, “growth […]

By Doug Watt |November 7, 2006

3 min read