
Sprott warns on leverage

Acknowledging himself as “the apostle of the apocalypse” thanks to his warnings about overleveraged homebuyers and a shaky U.S. dollar, Eric Sprott says his greatest fear lies with his counterparties — the prime brokers from whom he borrows stocks to sell short. “Where’s the cash? We can pretend we’re making money, but if you don’t […]

By Scot Blythe |November 24, 2006

2 min read

Feds leave uncertainty on tax cut timing

Investment advisors who attended this morning’s breakfast meeting with Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty might conclude that their clients will soon have more investment dollars available and increased flexibility in their retirement planning. However, the same advisors might feel reticent about long-term tax-planning strategies, thanks to uncertain timelines in the Conservative government’s plans regarding capital […]

By Al Emid |November 24, 2006

3 min read


(November 23, 2006) For the second year in a row, Canadians have been better savers and investors, according to Statistics Canada. Tax returns filed this past spring show that almost 7.8 million people reported about $34.5 billion in income from their investments (including interest and dividend income from taxable corporations) in 2005. The number of […]

By Staff |November 23, 2006

2 min read

Aging boomers will prop up charities: TD

Canada’s aging society may increase the need for support services offered by charity organizations, but the retiring baby boomers will also be a boon for the sector, according to a report released by TD Economics. Baby boomers have never really been the type to just sit still, which has fuelled speculation on how they will […]

By Steven Lamb |November 23, 2006

3 min read