

(December 5, 2006) The Bank of Canada has held the line on interest rates, leaving the Bank rate unchanged at 4.5% and maintaining a target of 4.25% for the overnight rate. The stability of rate policy indicates that the Bank has not changed its economic outlook for 2007 and 2008, despite slightly weaker than expected […]

By Staff |December 5, 2006

3 min read launches Fund Wrap Filter tool

Mutual fund wrap programs have been hugely successful over the past few years in Canada, attracting billions in investor dollars. Success among the early providers has led to a proliferation of wrap programs. But is there an easy way to sort through them all and find just the right one for your client? There is […]

By Steven Lamb |December 5, 2006

2 min read

SRO’s offer compliance clarity

When Jean Chrétien was asked by reporters on the floor of last week’s Liberal convention about the motion to declare the Quebecois a nation, he replied, “I’m for clarity, and I love clarity.” Canada’s SROs feel the same way about compliance. Last week, the staff of Market Regulation Services, the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of […]

By Mark Brown |December 5, 2006

4 min read


(December 4, 2006) The IDA has imposed a fine of $25,000 on Denes Luciano Fransesco Peroni and Robert Paul Joseph Hétu, having found the pair “knowingly engaged in conduct unbecoming and contrary to the public interest.” Both were listed as approved persons with the Sudbury branch of Berkshire Securities Inc. at the time. The IDA […]

By Staff |December 4, 2006

3 min read