News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Tax News
Alex recently lost his job with a local plumbing company. After several weeks off, he was approached by a competing firm, Charlie’s Plumbing Agency, with an offer for his services. The offer was an interesting one — Alex could choose to work as part of a contract of service, or he could enter into a […]
By Wilmot George |June 17, 2009
6 min read
I’m asked regularly about whether commissions received by an advisor on the sale of life insurance and/or investment products for his or her own personal use are taxable. A 2003 tax case—Delisle v The Queen, 2003 TCC 751—dealt with such an advisor. Gilbert Delisle, an executive at Sun Life, became self-employed after leaving in July […]
By Jamie Golombek |June 1, 2009
3 min read
Market Insights
Proper retirement planning requires planning for the worst, so deciding what to focus on in a retirement plan is no easy task. More often than not, financial planners think in terms of accumulation. But, once you switch from the accumulation stage to the distribution stage, the math is entirely different. While you can talk about […]
By Jim Otar |April 7, 2009
4 min read
Any tax-planning strategy has but a simple goal: to increase the amount of money left in one’s pocket. In the case of couples, whether they are married or living in a common-law arrangement (including same-sex couples), this could mean increasing the combined after-tax income of the couple. When the spouses are in different marginal tax […]
By Michelle Munro |April 1, 2009
Estate Planning
In both Canada and the United States, many employers are reducing their workforce numbers. If you have clients who have left jobs in the U.S. to resettle in Canada, you may be able to help them amalgamate their cross-border retirement plans. Under the right circumstances, this can simplify retirement planning and reduce or eliminate the […]
By Carol Bezaire |March 9, 2009
No one ever said that choosing investments is a simple business. For any investor, several factors need to be considered, including age, investment objectives and one’s willingness and ability to tolerate risk. There’s also the impact of taxes on investment returns — the focus of this column. Tax treatments can enhance or diminish returns from […]
By Michelle Munro |March 2, 2009
5 min read
As tax season begins, the issue of interest deductibility comes once again to the top of mind of both tax advisors and their clients. Just over a decade ago, the tax law changed so that the interest expense on student loans, while not actually tax-deductible, became eligible for federal and provincial non-refundable tax credits, which […]
By Jamie Golombek |March 1, 2009
Given the market setbacks of recent months and the gloomy economic news that still dominates the headlines, it is not surprising that many investors simply want to sit on the sidelines for the time being. But many of your clients might be better advised to try to recapture the mood and the method that prevailed […]
By Michelle Munro |February 10, 2009
7 min read
The notion of borrowing money to invest likely isn’t first and foremost on most people’s minds in a down market. But I’ve come across yet another study touting the benefits of leveraging retirement savings. The release of the June 2008 working paper, Life-Cycle Investing and Leverage: Buying Stock on Margin Can Reduce Retirement Risk, written […]
By Jim Otar |February 1, 2009
Much has been written about the new tax-free savings accounts: the accumulation of tax-free income, the ability to re-contribute withdrawals and the capacity to access funds without impact to federally sponsored benefits. But what happens to the TFSA on death of the TFSA holder? Generally, clients who have a TFSA can name a “successor holder” […]
By Wilmot George |January 19, 2009
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