News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Estate Planning
More and more, the Canada Revenue Agency is taking a keen interest in how companies, both small and large, structure their tax planning. And it is asking increasingly intrusive questions—not quite audits, but compelling questionnaires. All of this is the name of the GAAR: the General Anti-Avoidance Rule promulgated some 20 years ago. Still, while […]
By Scot Blythe |June 9, 2011
5 min read
Tax News
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) today announced the prescribed annual interest rates that will apply to any amounts owed to the CRA and to any amounts the CRA owes to individuals and corporations. These rates are calculated quarterly in accordance with applicable legislation and will be in effect from July 1, 2011 to September 30, […]
By Staff |June 9, 2011
1 min read
In a speech today at the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners annual conference in Ottawa, Peter Drake, vice president, Retirement and Economic Research, Fidelity Investments Canada ULC called attention to the new retirement realities facing Canada’s baby boomer generation and highlighted the importance of taking account of the five key risks to retirement income as part of the retirement planning process.
By Staff |June 7, 2011
4 min read
A well-diversified portfolio should include bonds as well as stocks. From an investment perspective, bonds have several desirable characteristics.
By André Fok Kam |June 7, 2011
7 min read
Planning and Advice
Frequently incorporated in estate plans for affluent clients, an estate bond is a taxefficient strategy that creates a large and immediate estate value.
By André L’Espérance |June 3, 2011
3 min read
Market Insights
Monday June 6 will see the newly minted Conservative government table the federal budget for the second time this year, but it also marks another milestone: Tax Freedom Day. Every year the Fraser Institute calculates the day when the average Canadian will have paid off their tax burden for the year, with earnings from the […]
By Staff |June 3, 2011
2 min read
Joint tenancy has always been a complex estate planning tool
By Floyd Gradley |June 2, 2011
6 min read
One of the most popular methods of legal income splitting in the 1990s was to have a business owner issue shares directly or indirectly (via a family trust) to his or her minor children
June 1, 2011
Back when I ran my estate law practice, clients often asked me, "Who do you think should be my executor?" My response was never to name names, but rather to suggest principles that might guide the decision process.
What are the odds that you or someone close to you will enjoy a financial windfall during your lifetime? If you’re counting on winning a lottery, the odds are ridiculously bad. For example, the chance that you could draw the right six numbers out of a set of 49 in one of the big national lotteries is somewhere in the range of one in 14 million.
By Michelle Munro |May 17, 2011
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