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Tax News
One of the most popular methods of legal income splitting in the 1990s was to have a business owner issue shares directly or indirectly (via a family trust) to his or her minor children.
August 30, 2011
3 min read
If you have clients who own a hefty chunk of a listed company in their registered accounts, you'd better get on the phone with them—and a tax expert.
By Staff |August 29, 2011
2 min read
We’re about to enter tax season. Not only will clients be calling with tax return preparation questions, but now is also a good time to get a head start on your own tax return by gathering documentation, slips and other records needed to substantiate your own business expenses.
By Jamie Golombek |August 20, 2011
4 min read
When people think of income planning, they usually think of retirement. Prior to retirement, Canadians are mainly concerned with paying debt and accumulating retirement assets, so they ignore income-planning opportunities.
By Mike George |August 15, 2011
5 min read
Estate Planning
Read: André L’Espérance’s column Increasing estate value for the affluent Will estate taxes come back to Canada? They are certainly in the spotlight. The estate tax debate lurches back and forth in the U.S., as the legacy of the tax package enacted by the Bush administration in 2001 – with a sunset clause allowing the […]
By Scot Blythe |August 15, 2011
When clients receive their T3 and T5 slips, be prepared to have an open and knowledgeable conversation with them should they ask why they are being asked to pay tax on the various income and/or capital gains amounts they've reported.
By Jamie Golombek |August 4, 2011
Sooner or later, every homeowner is going to face the decision that my neighbour is about to make. She is of an age and life stage where it makes sense to sell her house and move into a home that requires less upkeep and physical demands. Of course, deciding to move is only part one […]
By Michelle Munro |August 3, 2011
6 min read
In 1991, the federal government introduced fairness legislation, this legislation gives the CRA the discretion to cancel or waive either all or a portion of any interest or penalties (but not the actual tax) payable.
August 1, 2011
This is the last in a series of articles on tax-efficient investing. This series has merely scratched the surface of the topic, but demonstrates your clients’ portfolios can reap substantial benefits from a tax-aware approach.
By André Fok Kam |July 27, 2011
8 min read
A well-diversified portfolio should include bonds as well as stocks. From an investment perspective, bonds have several desirable characteristics.
By André Fok Kam |July 26, 2011
7 min read
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