Estate Planning

Fiscal cliff could raise cross-border taxes

President Obama’s re-election may mean higher taxes for Americans in Canada and Canadians with American property. Why?

By Terry F. Ritchie |December 4, 2012

4 min read

When giving away the farm makes sense

A dairy farm owner wanted to hand the operation to his son. But the two argued often, and dad wondered if they shared the same goals.

By Suzanne Sharma |December 3, 2012

4 min read

How to address an inadequate inheritance

If your client’s wife only left him a quarter of her estate, and little or no life insurance or other benefits on her death, he may be entitled to more.

December 3, 2012

3 min read

Get owners to consider succession

Succession planning is essential to a business’s survival. Once your client’s ready to talk about letting go, help him identify his successor. This allows an aging owner to retire on short notice; for instance, if a sudden health issue arises.

December 3, 2012

3 min read