News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Planning and Advice
Strategy What can happen Questions to use 1. Get the opinion from clients — identify strong ones. Can open the door to their decision-making process. The stronger the opinion, the easier it is to access. What do you think about X? What concerns you about X? How do you feel about X? 2. Find out […]
By Joanne Ferguson |April 29, 2004
1 min read
(May 2004) Before you go chasing after elusive millionaire prospects, have you asked yourself if you’ve maximized your existing client relationships? There is definite potential for more within your own book — the key is focusing on richer relationships with your clients and their families. Think about those relationships in your current client base that […]
5 min read
faxes faxes postcards (to customize, try a service like mailers testimonial letters free reports This list excludes public relations, which I consider to be separate from typical marketing contacts. 2. Be repetitive. Variety also means that repetition becomes a factor in your marketing — and that’s a good thing. Marketing 101 says it takes […]
By Martin R. Baird |April 21, 2004
(April 2004) It seems that after every RRSP season comes to a close, the familiar refrain among financial advisors is, “Next year, I’ll do it differently.” Translated, that means that rather than squeezing a year’s worth of client contact into eight weeks, advisors want to feel more in control of the process, they want to […]
By Julie Littlechild |April 8, 2004
2 min read
Engaging the client in provocative conversation, in which the coach listens carefully to what is said and asks obvious next questions, clarifies real meaning, and questions when something doesn’t sound right; Revealing the client to himself — help them to see themselves better; Helping the client to identify sources of motivation; and Helping clients to […]
By Harvey Schachter |April 7, 2004
Survey finds advisors favour equities, trusts Likelihood of using seminars as a primary prospecting tool decreases with years in the profession — less than 5 years (48%), 5 to 10 years (39%) and more than 10 years (31%) Advisors licensed to sell mutual funds (46%) and insurance (42%) are more likely to rely on referrals […]
By John Craig |March 17, 2004
(Mid-February 2004) It’s a tough time to be an executive. A rash of corporate missteps, accounting scandals and diminishing compensation have all added up to a difficult couple of years for Canada’s corporate elite. All the more reason why the busy executive needs you. Next to business owners, executives are the most significant group of […]
By Thane Stenner |March 4, 2004
3 min read
Are you searching for winter prospecting event ideas? Now that the golf greens are covered in snow, it’s time to get creative with prospecting ideas. Here is an idea from TD Mutual Funds that can help you enjoy the winter wonderland with your prospects. Download Hitting the Slopes now. Visit TD Mutual Funds for more […]
By Staff |March 3, 2004
Are you wondering how top advisors attract new clients? Here is an article from TD Mutual Funds that provides some tactics you can use to identify and attract new clients to grow your business. Download How Do Top Advisors Find Prospects? now. Visit TD Mutual Funds for more great content to help build your business. […]
(February 2004) How do you communicate that you are truly grateful for your clients’ business? Don’t assume clients understand they are valued. Unless you’ve communicated your appreciation, they may feel taken for granted. Part of the problem is that many firms go through the motions of saying they value their clients’ business when their behaviour […]
By Dan Richards |February 19, 2004
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