Planning and Advice

Labour links, labour laws and HR advice

(June 2007) Creating a set of human resources policies for your practice is no mean feat but the task is not impossible. A methodical approach and knowledge of a few basic ground rules can help. To get started, click here to read’s Strategic Coach column by Shannon Waller and Alexandra McLean on developing an […]

By Kate McCaffery, Sarah Murphy |June 25, 2007

2 min read

Add value — educate your clients

(June 2007) It doesn’t take a psychologist to interpret the look in your client’s face but that nod of agreement could be coming from a client with a CFA who understands the topic just as well as you do, or it could be coming from a client who barely understands what you are talking about. […]

By Tom Hamza |June 15, 2007

4 min read

Exit planning: How much is your practice worth?

There is no hard rule of thumb or magic formula that can be used to value a practice and typical valuation guidelines can be simplistic and fail to produce a realistic market value for the average financial services practice. Understanding the factors that drive the value of a financial services practice, however, is an important part of increasing short-term and long-term profitability.

By Cindy Jenner Cowan |June 14, 2007

5 min read

Information advantages

(June 2007) Most financial professionals don’t think too much about the information that crosses their desks. Sometimes it’s useful. Often it’s distracting. But it’s always there. And that’s about as much time as we ever spend thinking about it. Truth be told, however, information is a key component of the successful wealth management practice. Professionals […]

By Thane Stenner, Rod Bower, Rory O'Connor |June 7, 2007

5 min read