News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Planning and Advice
(August 2007) Is today’s client growing more skeptical about financial advice? What are their emotional hot buttons? We often think we know what clients worry about. The best way to find out, though, is by asking them. Our firm conducted client surveys in January 2006 and again in June 2007. The objective was to gauge […]
By Shawn O'Brien |July 30, 2007
4 min read
(August 2007) Let’s face it: No one likes to talk about mortality issues. This may explain why so few Canadians actually have wills. Writing a will is essentially conceding that you’re going to die. While we all know this to be true, it doesn’t make the process any easier. Yet, clients need to understand that […]
By Mark Noble |July 30, 2007
8 min read
(July 2007) Do you have a lot of one-way discussions with your clients? Smart investors should ask questions, regardless of whether or not they are particularly knowledgeable about the markets. Some, though, might require a little bit of encouragement. Use this template letter to let your clients know that you value their patronage and that […]
By Staff |July 20, 2007
2 min read
(July 2007) Do you have a lot of one-way discussions with your clients? You’ve probably already sensed that some clients find it hard to know what to say or what to ask. If you thoughtfully encourage questions and bring out the concerns that your client can’t articulate you can develop their confidence. Smart investors should […]
By Tom Hamza |July 20, 2007
3 min read
(July 2007) How important is client loyalty to your practice? If you work with the high-net-worth population, then client loyalty is a make-or-break issue. If clients remain loyal, your practice will thrive. If not, it will wither and die. It really is as simple as that. As anyone who’s been in this business for any […]
By Thane Stenner, Rod Bower, Rory O'Connor |July 9, 2007
5 min read
(July 2007) It doesn’t take a hot-shot advisor to know that if a client commits fraud, you’ll be in hot water. But what if you have no clue that a client is manipulating the market? Turns out you can still kiss your job goodbye. Speaking at the 9th Annual Compliance Readiness Strategies for Investment Counsel […]
By Bryan Borzykowski |July 9, 2007
(July 2007)The industry of financial advice continues to evolve and many clients believe that it is evolving without you. In 1964, Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, said microchip development would allow the flow of information to double every 18 months. He was right! This fact, coupled with an aging group of clients who are […]
By Shawn O'Brien |July 3, 2007
For more great content from Fidelity, please visit our Advisor Center exclusively on Fidelity’s Retirement Readiness Snapshot can help you initiate discussions on retirement planning. In minutes, the on-line calculator will provide your clients with an estimate of how financially ready they will be for retirement, and a new appreciation of the importance of […]
By Staff |June 29, 2007
1 min read
Creating a set of human resources policies for your practice is no mean feat but the task is not impossible. A methodical approach and knowledge of a few basic ground rules can help.
By Kate McCaffery, Sarah Murphy |June 25, 2007
(June 2007) is pleased to welcome our new columnists, Alexandra McLean and Shannon Waller from The Strategic Coach. Human Resources 101 examines your experiences and answers your questions about HR and managing people. Click here to send us your HR-related questions. In this article: Hiring for maternity and developing an HR practices manual using […]
By Alexandra McLean, Shannon Waller |June 25, 2007
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