News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Planning and Advice
(December 2007) The process of selling a practice or book of business can be a standard business transaction. But it is not quite cut and dried because a practice in transition is a dynamic environment. The ‘real’ work truly begins once the sale has closed. This is a busy time for both the seller and […]
By Cindy Jenner Cowan |December 17, 2007
5 min read
(December 2007) Despite more women being in the workforce, the vast majority of females don’t have a financial plan. A new TD Waterhouse poll says only 25% of women seek investment advice from an advisor and just four in 10 pay off their credit cards each month. “Women have a tendency to be very nebulous […]
By Bryan Borzykowski |December 11, 2007
4 min read
(December 2007) Forget trinkets this season — your employees and clients don’t need another pen set. They don’t need sweaters or socks from family members. In fact, the majority of those surveyed say they don’t really need anything at all this year. In an Ipsos Reid survey of 1,429 adults, asking each about the things […]
By Kate McCaffery |December 10, 2007
2 min read
(December 2007) Charitable giving and financial education for children are both emerging and increasingly recognized in the industry as the feel-good discussion points that can draw whole families into the financial planning process. The two trends have come together in the form of a new children’s book from Mackenzie Financial, written and illustrated to help […]
By Kate McCaffery |December 5, 2007
3 min read
(November 2007) Many advisors engaged in the process of buying or selling their book of business tend to focus exclusively on valuation and the final purchase price. In reality, the terms you negotiate and document, along with plans for managing client retention overall, are far more important and far more valuable. Once sellers and buyers […]
By Cindy Jenner Cowan |November 21, 2007
(November 2007) In today’s financial landscape, determining wealth is tricky. You can tally up the value of investment assets, cash on hand and real estate, but is number crunching really the best way to figure out a client’s worth? Doug Nelson, a family business specialist, and a speaker at the Knowledge Bureau’s Distinguished Advisor Conference […]
By Bryan Borzykowski |November 16, 2007
Even the most superhuman assistant can't do it all
By Kate McCaffery |November 12, 2007
Lost clients dramatically affect the bottom line
By Romana King |November 12, 2007
(November 2007) Hiring a third party to meet the human resources needs of your practice is no simple task. Determining which areas you need help with is a good first step. For more like this, click here to read the most recent Strategic Coach column on, entitled HR 101: Outsourcing. Skip to: Records and […]
By Kate McCaffery |November 7, 2007
(November 2007) Alexandra McLean and Shannon Waller from The Strategic Coach examine your experiences and answer your questions about human resources and people management. Q. We are a small shop but we have decided to delegate our HR duties to a third party. Does it make sense for us to hire someone to handle our […]
By Alexandra McLean, Shannon Waller |November 7, 2007
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