
The year’s best: Our book picks for your clients

(December 2003) Looking for some books to recommend to clients about certain financial planning topics? has compiled a list of some of this year’s financial titles that might be just what you’re looking for: The basics Money 101: Every Canadian’s Guide to Personal Finance, by Ellen Roseman (John Wiley & Sons), ISBN: 047083236-3, $26.95 […]

By Wendi Phillips |December 19, 2003

4 min read

To Clients: Happy holidays, looking ahead to a bright 2004

(December 2003) Wish your clients the best for the holiday season, re-emphasize the importance of investing for the long term and remind them that it’s time to review their portfolios with you — all with this one customizable letter! Dear [Client’s name], With the year drawing to a rapid close (as they always seem to […]

By Staff |December 16, 2003

2 min read

Using new privacy requirements to deepen client relationships

(January 2004) Lawyers e-mail private information every day. It is a fast, efficient way to work out the wording of agreements, add necessary details and express differing points of view. No lawyer wants to go back to the old days. They may not have a choice. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), […]

By Don Shaughnessy |December 10, 2003

4 min read

Common mindset: How to unify your team and show appreciation to your employees

(November 24, 2003) Let’s look at some simple tools and practices that can help you manage your team better. We’ll start with alignment and culture: How can you encourage your employees to share a positive culture and act in a unified way? 1. Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood, in Why The Bottom Line Isn’t! (Wiley), […]

By Harvey Schachter |November 24, 2003

3 min read