
Client contact: A method to the madness

(April 2004) It seems that after every RRSP season comes to a close, the familiar refrain among financial advisors is, “Next year, I’ll do it differently.” Translated, that means that rather than squeezing a year’s worth of client contact into eight weeks, advisors want to feel more in control of the process, they want to […]

By Julie Littlechild |April 8, 2004

2 min read

Connecting with clients through coaching

Engaging the client in provocative conversation, in which the coach listens carefully to what is said and asks obvious next questions, clarifies real meaning, and questions when something doesn’t sound right; Revealing the client to himself — help them to see themselves better; Helping the client to identify sources of motivation; and Helping clients to […]

By Harvey Schachter |April 7, 2004

2 min read

Prospect generation: Survey shows seminars more appealing for female advisors

Survey finds advisors favour equities, trusts Likelihood of using seminars as a primary prospecting tool decreases with years in the profession — less than 5 years (48%), 5 to 10 years (39%) and more than 10 years (31%) Advisors licensed to sell mutual funds (46%) and insurance (42%) are more likely to rely on referrals […]

By John Craig |March 17, 2004

2 min read

Executive orders: How to attract corporate executives to your practice

(Mid-February 2004) It’s a tough time to be an executive. A rash of corporate missteps, accounting scandals and diminishing compensation have all added up to a difficult couple of years for Canada’s corporate elite. All the more reason why the busy executive needs you. Next to business owners, executives are the most significant group of […]

By Thane Stenner |March 4, 2004

3 min read