
Wake-up call

(January 2005) As a financial advisor, you work hard every day to grow your business, take care of your employees and do well by your clients. But is all that work paying off? Are you satisfied with your income? Are you happy with your level of success? Unfortunately, if you’re like many advisors, the answer […]

By John J. Bowen Jr. |January 27, 2005

3 min read

When trouble walks in

(January 2005) Ms.X calls you at your office and says she knew you in high school. You don’t remember her very well, but you know you had little to do with her (she wasn’t a member of the "in crowd"). Now Ms. X is a successful executive and wants to meet with you. She says […]

By Ellen J. Bessner |January 18, 2005

3 min read

Learn to study, study to learn (Part 2 of 2): More tips to super-size your exam results

(January 2005) Are you in the midst of preparing for a financial industry exam such as the Canadian Securities Course, the Certified Financial Planners Professional Proficiency Exam or the Chartered Financial Analyst Exams? Here are some tips to consider to optimize your efforts — and your results! Environmentally sound The environment in which you study […]

By Brian Gordon |December 31, 2004

3 min read

Before being referred, you must be referrable

(December 2004) Admit it. Referrals don’t occur as often as you would like. Over the years, you’ve been told that referrals will flow in when you ask your clients for them, show up on time, and deliver good service. In reality, that’s expecting far too much of your clients – and leaving your success to […]

By Jeff Thorsteinson |December 21, 2004

5 min read