
Timely template letter: The year in review

(November 2006) December is a natural spot in the calendar to touch base with your clients, review the events of the year, thank them for their business and send along your warm wishes for the holiday season. To help you get started we’ve created this customizable letter to send to your clients. Dear [Client’s name], […]

By Staff |November 27, 2006

3 min read

Missed opportunities: how to secure more business from your existing HNW clients

(November 2006) Growth. If you’re like most high net worth advisors, it’s the word most often on your mind. Whether it’s through generating more referrals, establishing relationships with centres-of-influence, or introducing new services or products, you’re constantly looking for ways to build your business. While this effort should be applauded, we’d like to suggest that […]

By Thane Stenner, Rod Bower, Rory O'Connor |November 23, 2006

4 min read

The kids are all right

(November 2006) Although there’s some lip service in the industry paid to intergenerational planning as a means of keeping client assets on the books at the end of the estate planning cycle, not many advisors actively seek introductions to the next generation of would-be clients. It’s a pity too – younger clients, many times, are […]

By Kate McCaffery |November 17, 2006

4 min read

Challenges: prospecting and paperwork

(November 2006) Why do advisors find prospecting and building their books of business to be such a challenge? For starters, there’s the problem of finding the time to actually do it. And prospecting can’t just be any old seminar or cold calling strategy, it’s got to be something that’s innovative, gets people’s attention and actually […]

By Deanne Gage |November 13, 2006

6 min read