
Protecting your name

(March 2008) Identity theft. It is a crime about information and in the information age, identity theft is becoming the fastest growing form of consumer fraud in North America. The crime is identified when a person assumes another individual’s identity using personal information (eg: name, date of birth, address, credit card, social insurance number and […]

By Romana King |February 28, 2008

4 min read

To Clients/Prospects: The 2008 Federal Budget and Your Financial Plan

(February 2008) Show clients what a proactive advisor you are. Send them this customizable letter about the Federal Budget. Dear [Client/Prospect name], As you know, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty delivered his third federal budget on Tuesday in Ottawa. This budget has many items that could affect your financial plan and present additional savings and investment […]

By Staff |February 26, 2008

2 min read

To incorporate or not?

(February 2008) The long-standing debate on whether registered salespersons should be permitted to incorporate has been recently recharged. In October 2007, the Manitoba Securities Commission exempted Canadian corporations from the dealer registration requirement under the Manitoba Securities Act solely to allow them to receive commissions and fees from dealers, provided certain conditions are met. To […]

By Rebecca Cowdery, Prema Thiele |February 22, 2008

5 min read

Caught by the calendar

(February 2008) The federal Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) allows a first-time home buyer, along with his or her spouse or common law partner, to withdraw up to $20,000 each from a Registered Retirement Savings Plan to purchase a first home. Under the plan, the RRSP must be repaid over a 15-year period, beginning with the […]

February 22, 2008

3 min read