
Tilting the three factor model

Many advisors who use Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) often struggle in explaining how DFA products differ from various other products investors might choose. One might say DFA’s approach is essentially passive but does not use conventional cap-weighted indexes like Barclay’s or Vanguard.

By John De Goey |August 19, 2011

4 min read

Avoid exempt market risks

Anyone in this space knows that as of September 28, 2010, the sale of exempt products in Canada, with a few notable exceptions, requires registration as a dealer and for individuals, as a dealing representative.

By Stephanie A. McManus |August 19, 2011

4 min read

Advising a laid off client

Just when it looked like the trend towards layoffs had slowed, Waterloo-based Research In Motion recently announced plans to lay off 2000 employees. Some of those who received pink slips likely called their advisors to discuss finances and possibly even for a pep talk.

By Al Emid |August 16, 2011

4 min read

Kiss that fax machine goodbye

In this modern age of digital communication, VOIP, texting, smart phones and Skype, most of us in the financial industrial still have one big foot still planted blatantly in the 1960s. And no, it is not the shiny suits still worn by some insurance agents. It is the fax, first known as the facsimile transmission system (1900), telephotography (1907), the Belinograph (1925) and eventually the Magnafax Telecopier (1966)

By Kevin Cork |August 15, 2011

3 min read